
Pipe and Drape Backdrop Ideas for Weddings: Budget-Friendly Elegance

We get it. You've envisioned the perfect wedding venue, a space overflowing with love, joy, and elegance. But when it comes to backdrops, those Pinterest-worthy displays can come with a hefty price tag. Don't fret! Here's the secret: pipe and drape backdrops are not only stunning and versatile, but they're also surprisingly budget-friendly for DIY enthusiasts. Pipe and drape systems are essentially metal frames constructed from upright poles, crossbars, and bases. By draping fabric across this frame, you create a clean, customizable backdrop that can be transformed to suit any wedding theme. The beauty of pipe and drape lies in its ability to elevate any space. Imagine a ceremony backdrop framing your vows, bathed in the warm glow of fairy lights. Picture a reception area where a billowing fabric backdrop sets the stage for your first dance as a married couple. Pipe and drape backdrops add a touch of sophistication and magic to your wedding, ensuring those unforget

Cambio de lugar para manifestación de patagonia sin represas.

Hola amigos, los socios de Patagonia sin represesas se cholguiarón y tuvierón que cambiar el lugar de la manifestación, aqui les dejo el mensaje que me han enviado estos cabros, saludos.
"Estimad@ Defensor de la Patagonia:
La Acción de mañana 14 de Marzo -en el marco de la Acción Mundial en contra de Represas- cambiará de lugar. Ya no es en la Plaza de la Constitución.
Va a realizarse en la Plaza de la Cultura (Alameda c/ Bulnes, ex Llama de la Libertad), a la misma hora: 11:00 horas.
La razón de este cambio es que la Plaza de la Constitución va a estar completamente enrejada porque nos visita la Srta. Condoleza de USA. -- "


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