
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2011


Well Water Safety: Testing, Contaminants, and Treatment Solutions

If you rely on a private well for your water supply, well water testing is essential to ensure the safety of your drinking water, as well as for overall household use. Unlike municipal water sources, which undergo regular treatment and monitoring, private wells are the homeowner's responsibility. This means that potential contaminants – whether from natural sources, human activities, or well system malfunctions – may not be detected without proactive testing. Well water can harbor various contaminants that might affect your health. Bacteria, like E. coli, can cause gastrointestinal illnesses, while nitrates pose a particular risk for infants. Heavy metals like lead and arsenic have links to developmental problems and long-term health risks. Other contaminants, including minerals and chemicals, might not cause immediate illness but can affect the taste, odor, or appearance of your water. Regular well water testing is the only way to proactively identify these potential issues. B

Movilización Nacional por Patagonia sin Represas

Movilización Nacional por Patagonia sin Represas Este Martes 26 de abril en todo Chile habrán actividades por Patagonia sin Represas. La mayoría de Chile se opone a las mega represas, este proyecto no merece ser aprobado, su rechazo debe ser total. Faltan pocos días para la votación de la Comisión de Evaluación Ambiental que decidirá el futuro de la Patagonia. Invita a tus contactos, comparte esta información y nos vemos este martes! SANTIAGO: 18:30 hrs, Plaza de la Constitución VALPARAISO: por confirmar TALCA: 19:00 hrs, Plaza de Armas CHILLAN: 19:00 hrs, Plaza de Armas CONCEPCIÓN: 19:00 hrs, Plaza Perú (U. de Concepción) TEMUCO: 14:00 hrs, Plaza Dagoberto Godoy (Plaza Hospital) VALDIVIA: 11:30 hrs, Terminal de buses PUERTO MONTT: 17:30 hrs, Plaza de Armas COYHAIQUE: 16:30, hrs Plaza de Armas