
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2023


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Buenos días, Tenemos a su disposición bases de datos de emails de varios sectores: CONTRUCCION - LOGISTICA - TRANSPORTE ARQUITECTURA - ALIMENTOS - MANUFACTURA AUTOMOTRIZ - METAL MECANICA - FERRETERIA HOTELES - RESTAURANTES - FARMACIA MEDICOS - ODONTOLOGOS -FISIOTERAPEUTAS INMOBILIARIAS - ESCUELAS - CLUBES Contáctenos a este mismo correo para más información: info@inforcombd.com ATTE. Jorge Tapia Martínez INFORCOM Software

Florida Public Adjuster: Understanding the Role of Public Insurance Adjusters and How They Can Help You

When it comes to filing an insurance claim, many homeowners and policyholders may not fully understand the process or know how to navigate it effectively. This is where a public adjuster comes in. A public adjuster, also known as a public insurance adjuster, is a licensed professional who works on behalf of policyholders to evaluate and file insurance claims. If you're a homeowner or policyholder in Florida and are considering hiring a public adjuster, this article will provide you with an overview of what public adjusters do, how they can help, and what to consider when hiring one.   What is a Public Adjuster? A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional who is licensed by the state to represent policyholders in the insurance claim process. Public adjusters work for policyholders, not insurance companies, and are hired to evaluate and file claims on their behalf. Public adjusters are also typically members of professi...

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